is my Damage Critical?

CRITICAL DAMAGE designates a pallet rack post which has lost most or all of its load-carrying capability and a rack collapse may be imminent – despite the fact that everything is still in place. Determining the correct category of damage involves looking for rips, tears, cracks, kinks, twists, bows and localized dents in pallet rack components and evaluating the severity of the defects found.

A trained eye is required to properly evaluate potentially perilous damage and to identify what immediate actions must be taken in response.


While critical damage is usually unmistakable, small dents may appear inconsequential — but they are not. Depending on the condition of other pallet rack components around them, the less alarming damage to the left of the photo above can be as much of a threat as the critical damage seen in the severely demolished posts to the right. Contrary to appearances, an accumulation of minor damage in multiple locations can quickly turn into a major disaster once enough force is applied to the already-compromised structure.


Turning a blind eye to minor damage time after time can have disastrous consequences.


A pallet rack collapse can happen suddenly and without warning. In this event, the damaged rack becomes the first domino in a disaster that threatens the entire facility, and the lives of the workers in it. Because everything is standing, seemingly with no issues, we labor under the false assumption that there is no threat or danger present, when in reality it can take just one small bump and 25 seconds to prove just how tragically wrong that can be…

While rare, these disasters do happen more than most would believe. One industry insider, speaking on the condition of anonymity, stated:

“It’s a fool who believes that these collapse events, be it partial or full collapse scenarios, aren’t playing out multiple times a month across the country.”

Timely response to all pallet rack damage is essential for a successful collapse prevention program and to maintain the integrity, longevity and safe use of these structures. While habitually ignoring minor damage can certainly lead to a major problem, critical damage represents a clear and very present danger, and must be handled with the greatest urgency and utmost caution, as a pallet rack collapse may be imminent.



The important thing to always keep in mind, is that just because you walk past damaged racks every day that haven’t fallen, doesn’t mean they can’t collapse in an instant.



If you suspect your pallet rack damage may be critical, decisive action and immediate repair are needed.


The affected area and surrounding aisles should be immediately evacuated and a Critical Damage Response protocol initiated. Click here for an outline of your next steps.


PLEASE CALL 503-UPRIGHT for immediate assistance and to schedule a rapid pallet rack repair.


The MTAC Damage Assessment Guide is your go-to educational resource to learn industry best practices for evaluating pallet rack damage, differentiating between minor, major and critical damage and understanding why a fast pallet rack repair solution is so vital to facility safety. The MTAC Damage Assessment Guide provides valuable insights into:

Industry Standards

Facility Owner Responsibilities

Compliance Matters

Rack Repair in Record Time

Damage Assessment Criteria

Critical Damage Response

MTAC Responsibilities

The MTAC Family of UpRight Rapid Rack Repair Solutions

and MORE!

Download the FREE MTAC Damage Assessment Guide HERE